Sunday, February 6, 2011

Training and swimming update - 2/6/11

OK - I've been so busy between travel and holidays, I've fallen behind on recording my progress (which is more for me than for anyone reading this...). Sitting down and taking stock for the "big picture" was a good thing to do this week. I need to work on a few things and make sure I'm focused on the right things, with about 10 weeks to go before Boston Marathon.

I needed to be putting in a quality 10 hours/week, and I was only getting about 7.5/week in December and January. I was "OK" with the holidays interrupting things - family needs time to be the priority. But then one local overnight trip, and 2 weeks in China/Japan screwed up my schedule and routine pretty badly! While traveling, I could run a lot (I did about 150km between the 2 weeks) and bike a little sometimes... no swimming. Only avreaged 7hrs/week while overseas - but at least I got most of my quality running in for Boston. I didn't realize how far off target I really was, until I went through things in detail this week.

I've had 2 weeks back in the States - with some measure of "normal"/"routine" - except that I'd been gone for 2 weeks from the family, and rightly so, they wanted me to forego training in favor of family time on the weekends. I did manage to get up to 10hrs and 12 hours this week - so I'm back on track (for the moment).

Swimming wise, I tried to get good quality workouts in these last 2 weeks, to get back up to speed. Last weekend, I was ready to jump back in with the group at Oberlin College, only to find it was an off week, due to the 5k / 10k swim challenge. Another week went by since I was with that group and on my own. I didn't like that too much. Try to push myself pretty hard - and I'm usually successful in getting a lot out of myself, by myself - but it just isn't the same as when you are in a structured workout, with a group.

Today, I rejoined the group, a little nervous about my time away, and the hard workouts the last 2 days. Today's workout was intense, but I'm pleased to say I felt like I did quite well!

The workout was 4,000y total - with the main set a 1,000y time trial (14:20 or 1:26/100y for me is a personal best!) Followed immediately by 3 x (200 @ 2:47, 2x100 @ 1:21, 4x50 @ 0:39). This was a BUTT KICKER! I hit the 200 and 100 paces right on, and like most, struggled holding that pace on the 50s. I FELT GREAT afterwards! Swam fast (for me) and strong, and kept up well with the group - except for Ed - he was FLYING! I'm gonna have to bust my ass to try to hang with him - a new challenge for me!

So, I feel pretty good about my run progress toward Boston, but know I need to bring more daily swim and bike time into the picture to round out my total fitness, and help me drop a bit more weight before Boston.

10 weeks to go - GAME ON!!
I was pretty worri

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