Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's Not Over... The Pyramid of Suck... SnakeBite Indoor Cycling Workout 1/10/12

I tried to mix things up this week... and I like to surprise the class with a little something extra.

This workout had the usual sprints and hill climbs, but the main set was different than in the past. It was the culmination of the past few classes. In past weeks, we started doing sets of Threshold work - varying the resistance/cadence but holding the same Zone 4 heart rate - right at AT / LT. This was to work the critical systems needed for endurance racing - and learning to control our effort at Zone 4, in different conditions (wind/false flats/etc) - important skills for race day. We then began to add some Zone 5 efforts within the Zone 4 sets - again - to simulate the surges in racing (break-aways, chase downs, etc.).

What I put together was the "Pyramid of Suck" - a 30 minute main set in 2:30 intervals of Zone 4/5... Starting with 2:00 Zone 4 / 0:30 Zone 5... then adding 0:15 Zone 5 (and reducing Zone 4) until we were at 0:45 / 1:45 and then worked back down to 2:00/0:30 again. It was really tough!

My favorite little surprise was after the last sprint set... kind of gave the impression that we were done... the next song was Daughtry's "It's Not Over" during our recovery. I asked the group who sang it... got the answer... then I asked for the title... someone yelled it out... then I saw the look of realization spread across faces... We had one last, nasty 7.5 minute hill climb left. I chose Metallica ONE for this last climb. Starts off kind of slow and intense... then builds toward that last 2:30 which is the out-of-the-saddle, all out assault on the body and mind. I turned the class loose to destroy themselves. The last minute was totally all-out effort... and I know left everyone wiped out. It was great!

Only downside was that the group who went out for dinner/drinks afterwards was unusually quiet afterwards...

 Pre-ride introduction… start at 6:09 This is War
WARM UP5 minute Warm up Chutes and Ladders
120rpm sprint 
1 minutes easy spin Black Horse and Cherry Tree
120rpm sprint 
easy spin   (START LAP ON START OF KEEP HOPE ALIVE!)Keep Hope Alive
Speed intervals30 / 15  hard effort #1   (0:47-1:17)Keep Hope Alive
Recovery - easy spin (1:17-2:11) 
30 / 15  hard effort #2 (2:11-2:56) 
Recovery - easy spin (2:56-3:50) 
30 / 15  hard effort #3 (3:50-4:37) 
Recovery - easy spin (4:37-5:47) 
30 / 15  hard effort #4  (5:47 - END) 
Recovery - easy spin 
30 / 30 hard effort #5  (START ON 0:21 NAME OF GAME)Name of the Game (0:20)
Recovery - easy spin 
30 / 30 hard effort #6 
Recovery - easy spin 
30 / 30 hard effort #7 
Recovery - easy spin 
30 / 30 hard effort #8 
Recovery - easy spin  BulletProof
 Hill climb - first half - seated… second half - ATTACK!Trip Like I do
 RecoveryLove the way u lie
Pyramid of Suck2:00 / 0:30Brass Monkey
1:45 / 45Gonna Make you Sweat
1:30 / 1:00Middle Class Rut - New Low
1:15 / 1:15Stereo Love
1:00/1:30Hot in Here
0:45 / 1:45Black Keys - Tighten Up
1:15 / 1:15Only
1:30 / 1:00Heavy Cross
1:45 / 45 
2:00 / 0:30 
 Easy recoveryBad Romance
Last Sprints30 / 30 hard effort #1  ( 0:22-1:10)Stronger Faster
Recovery - easy spin (1:10-2:14) 
30 / 30 hard effort #2 (2:14-3:09) 
Recovery - easy spin (3:09-4:05) 
30 / 30 hard effort #4  -  Right at start of InvincibleInvincible
RecoveryRecovery before last climb and all outIt's not over - Daughtry
 Last song = hard climb, building to all-out at 2:30… go nuts!!One - Metallica
Cool Downcool downLazy Eye