I just finished a very tough 4 week block. Usually, it is 3 hard weeks and one recovery week... but this block was 4 solid, challenging weeks because I'm headed to Ft. Lauderdale for a family vacation the following week - and I wanted to take it easy then. Man, did that make for one tough final week of the block! Note to self - you really need the fourth week to be a recovery week!
This past weekend (the end of the 4th high intensity week) was torture! My legs were shredded from my 800s on Thursday, and a faster-than-planned 7 mile hill run Friday (it was sunny and 50F, I just couldn't slow down!). Saturday was a 20 mile "water only" run, in very strong winds (30+ mph). My body was thrashed going into it, and the no calorie program (intended to develop more fat burning cells vs combination of fat + glycogen) really caught up to me at the end. Sunday I had a 2 hour session that I survived. I was toast. Monday, I couldn't even think about working out, and had my first rest day in about 2 weeks. Needed it!
Overall, my run training is right where it should be. The only thing I feel I'm missing are speedwork sessions (800s, 1200s) on a proper track, in reasonalbe weather. I've been having to do them on the street, and in cold, snowy, windy weather. So my times aren't where they "should be"... most likely due to the conditions, but I can't help but worry a little that I'm not doing enough in my speed sessions.
My swimming is staying solid, but because of my travel schedule and the Oberlin swim group not meeting as consistenly as I would like, I've missed more of those sessions than I've made, it would seem. 2 weekends ago was a killer session, which included an "unnanounced" 1000y time trial right in the middle of the workout. I posted a good time (for me) and was pleased with my progress. My other swim workouts are going pretty well. I'm getting in 2000-2300yds at lunchtime now, which is helping.
Cycling is on the back-burner, and really is just the group spin sessions with my racing team. There are 4 of us who take turns leading them. Good stuff!
So, all-in-all, I'm feeling pretty good about things going into the last big push for Boston Marathon. 7 weeks to go! WOW! So, 4 solid weeks of good, hard training, then the taper starts! Then, I turn my sights toward the Olympic Distance Triathlon season - my first season competiting in "Elite Open"... which will culminate in the USAT National Championships in August in Vermont.
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